Martin Zeller:
Curriculum Vitae:
1961 - Born in Mannheim, Germany
1983 - Studied Communications Design, College of Design Darmstadt, Germany
1989 - Diploma in Communications Design
1994/1995 - Lectureship at University of Mannheim, Communications Theory
1993/2004 - Studio in Berlin, Germany
2000/2017 - Studio in Basel, Switzerland
2002 - Participated in The Foreign in the Eye of a Foreigner, Crossing China in Texts and Photographies, Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia
2004/2007 - Worked in Hong Kong on The Diagonal Mirror, Space and Time in Hong Kong
2008/2009 - Worked as editor and artist on Foodscape, A Swiss-Chinese Cultural Encounter, Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia
2010/2011 - Visiting Lecturer, Food Photography, Chinese Cuisine Training Institute (CCTI) Hong Kong 2011 - Participated in the Community Photographic Campaign No.12 Oil Street, Art Promotion Office Hong Kong
2010/2015 - Worked with Macau artist Sou Vai Keng on The Back Side of the Eye - Reflections on Edvard Munch’s work, painting and photography on rice paper.
2011/2014 - Working on their second collaborative project New Gardens.
2018/2024 In September 2018 Martin Zeller and Sou Vai Keng realized The Passenger. The pictures were taken, and the texts were written during an artist residency on Peng Chau, Hong Kong.
Since 2018, they have been working together on LX Under Construction - a project on the rapid changes in Lisbon and the metropolitan area.
Awards and Fellowships:
2010 - Foodscape won World Gourmand Foodbook Award for Best Chinese Cuisine Book
1999 - Artist Residence Scholarship, Casa di Goethe, Rome 1998 Fellowship, Foundation for the Arts, Berlin
1996 - Work Stipend in the Visual Arts, Senate Administration for Science, Research and Culture, Berlin; Grand of the Arts Foundation Baden-Wuerttemberg; Artist Residence Scholarship, Castle Wiepersdorf, Foundation for the Arts, Berlin;
1995 - Award, European Photography Award, German Leasing AG, Bad Homburg v.d.H.
1994 - Award, Saar-Ferngas Young Artist Promotion Prize, Saarbrucken
1992 - Fulbright Scholarship
1991 - German Award Winner Kodak European Photography Award, Arles Award, Antonie Belser Promotion Prize, Ludwigshafen
1987 - Award, Photography in Art, Stadtsparkasse Pforzheim